Tuesday was release day for A Lady’s Guide to Mischief and Murder and I celebrated by joining ten other Kensington Books authors for a release party on Facebook. Since there are no in-person events these days, I’ll be doing a couple virtual events too. BookmailThe first will be with author Jennifer Ashley on the Poisoned Pen’s FaceBook Live feed on August 15th at 4:00 pm (EDT). I’ve also done a book blog tour and a Bookstagram tour and the result of all this online activity is that I had a lot of book mail to send out!

I don’t want to leave the subscribers to my blog out in the cold, so here’s a giveaway just for you. A Lady’s Guide to Mischief and Murder is the first time we meet Frances and Lily’s mother, Daisy Price. Daisy is ambitious, formidable, and difficult to please. She’s a lot to take, but she loves her children and in her own way, she does what she thinks is best for them. Frances and Lily struggle to remember that, just as Daisy struggles to remember that her children are adults.

Since the story covers the theme of mothers and daughters that’s part of thA Lady's Guide to Mischief and Murder resizede giveaway. For a chance to win a hardcover copy of A Lady’s Guide to Mischief and Murder, leave me a fun fact in the comments about mothers and daughters. It can be about you and your mother, you and your daughter, your mom, your daughter, or somebody else totally unrelated to you who is a mom or a daughter. When you leave the comment, click on the box “Notify me of new comments via email,” because you may be the winner! I’ll close the contest Tuesday evening (8/4), randomly draw a name, and announce the winner in the comments. If you forget to click on that box, check back Tuesday evening!

This is the first contest I’ve run on this blog, so I’m crossing my fingers that it will go smoothly, and that some of you enter! Good luck to all of us!

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  1. Mom and I are very close.
    In high school, I was a Candy striper that worked 8 hour shifts because my mom was a L.P.N. and I was on her floor. She said it was foolish of her to bring me in and have me help out on other floors so her floor is where I was. I made so many beds that I do not make my bed unless I am changing the sheets or company is coming over.
    February 2019, I had a great big splat! I fell and smashed my right knee. I had to make that dreaded 911 phone call saying “I’ve fallen and can’t get up”. How humiliating! I was in rehab for 42 days and while I was there, my 82 year old mom came almost every day to visit me. the only days that she didn’t were on days that it snowed.
    June 2020, Mom’s turn! She had a fall and spent almost a month in rehab but because of the Covid-19 virus, she couldn’t have visitors. We did talk on the phone but it is just not the same thing. Made me realize – especially with her age – how valuable she is to me and to treasure the time that we do have left with her.

    1. Love the candy striper story! Sorry to hear about the injuries. I hope you and your mom are doing well now!

  2. My mother has always been exceptionally organized. My brother and sister-in-law came for a visit to my house for a long weekend. I waved over to the linen closet and told them to help themselves to any extra items they might need or let me know what they needed. My sister-in-law opened the linen closet door and stared at my organized shelves. “You are just like your mother!” I was not sure that it was really a compliment, but I thanked her all the same. 😊

    1. I’m sure it was a compliment! 🙂 My mother would cringe if she could see my linen closet, but in my defense, our house was built in 1936 so our closets are miniscule!

      1. I understand, I’ve been fortunate to live in houses with big linen closets. However, I’ve never been keen on ironing. I remember when my Mom actually ironed the sheets! When I read your books I often think of the work the servants did for those elaborate homes! I love using my imagination to envision your books!

  3. I am 60 now and still think of my daughter’s, one has a 20 yr old daughter of her own as my kids, meaning I often forget that they are old enough to manage their own lives. No matter how old your children get you eill always worry and do the best for them. Loved your latest. Looking forward to catching up.

    1. Thank you! I’m glad you’re enjoying the series. I think all moms will agree with you, no matter how old they get, they’re still your kids!

  4. Mothers always think they know what is best for their daughter.

    1. They usually know their daughters pretty well, so often, they’re right. Thanks for the comment!

  5. I am the mom to 2 boys, but my relationship to my mom was very tight. We held each other through so many different problems and situations. She has been gone for 16 years and. I so miss her.

    1. My mom’s been gone a long time too. Like you, we had a close relationship, and also like you, I miss her. <3

    2. Hi Vickie! You are the winner! Please send an email to: diannefreemanwrites@gmail.com and let me know where to send your book.

  6. My mom had me two days before her 30th birthday and used that to say since she got the best birthday present she’d never get older. I’m 37 😂😂

    1. I totally approve of that math!

  7. My mom was in the hospital when I get sick w/ a kidney stone and had to go to the ER. I went to the same hospital she was at and she came down to the ER in her hospital gown, pushing her IV pole, to be by my side.

    1. I’m really loving these mom stories! That’s devotion!

  8. my mom is one of my best friends, and she is my greatest supporter. one thing I’ve always loved about her is how she values our independence. she has never hovered the way some mothers do, though she spoils us and cares for us in her own way (yes, even now that we are grown). she has always encouraged us to form our own thoughts and opinions, and she has never interfered with out decisions (though she will let you know if she disagrees). she has always known exactly how to reach each of her children instead of attempting to parent three very different personalities in the same way. the older I am and the more experience I have with children, the more amazed and appreciative of the job she’s done as a mother.

    1. That’s wonderful! And yes, sometimes it takes time and experience to appreciate all that goes into being a parent.

  9. I always enjoyed watching classic movies with my mother while I was growing up. My mother is gone now, but I enjoy watching those movies with my daughter. Particular favorites are Meet Me in St. Louis, Funny Face, and Paris When it Sizzles. A newer favorite that I saw with my mother at the movie theater not long before she passed was When You Were Sleeping. I recently introduced that to my daughter and she loves it, too. My daughter was born after my mother died, so she never got to meet her. It’s a small thing, but it’s nice to have something in common that I’ve shared with both of them.

    1. It may be small, but it’s a lovely thing! I’m glad you can share that with your daughter.

  10. No matter how old I got, or even became a mother and grandmother myself, my mom never stopped worrying about me. I carry on that tradition now with my kids

    1. I think that’s the way of moms.

  11. Congrats on the new release!!!

    My fun fact, is that my Mom convinced me to cut her hair (due to shelter at home). Despite never having cut hair before, and having cubital tunnel, I managed it…and she has NOT disowned me.

    Obviously she loves me. 🙂

    1. Thank you! That’s the definition of trust!

  12. My mom taught me how to short sheet beds.

  13. My daughter is just about a month away from delivering her first baby and my first grandchild. It’s been so special to listen to her plans, help her prepare for the little one, and share some of my recollections of when I was pregnant with her. I love the relationship we’ve developed over the years!

    1. That is just wonderful! Early congratulations!

  14. My Mom and I share the love of reading. She always wants to know what I’m reading. I can’t wait to read this Series and to tell her all about it! She’ll get hooked!

    1. It’s so nice to have someone to talk about books with. My mom is where I get my love of reading from.

  15. My mother bought me a vintage set of Trixie Belden books from a garage sale when I was probably about 10. The pictures drew me into the books. That began my love of reading and especially mysteries!!!

    1. That’s great! My mom lured me in at about 12 with Agatha Christie.

  16. My mother led me along through the Bobbsey Twins, Trixie Belden, Nancy Drew, Sherlock Holmes, then Agatha Christie. I still have her original set of Nancy Drews! Books are a firm bond between us, and I’m so grateful!

    1. I love everything about this!

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