The Poisoned Pen Bookstore in Scottsdale, AZ is a mystery lover’s dream come true! The staff is helpful and knowledgeable and full of great suggestions. But the best part of the Poisoned Pen experience is all the mystery authors who come to the store to meet their fans and have a chat with Barbra Peters, the owner. However large or small the audience, Ms. Peters has a way of making us feel like a group of good friends.

Aside from the thrill of a close encounter with some of your favorite authors, it’s also a great place to meet new ones. I’ve read more mysteries than I can count, most of them historical, but I’d still never heard of Charles Finch untipoisoned-penl he stopped in at the Pen after the release of his fourth book. He’s now one of my favorite authors.

Sometime authors stay long enough to run a workshop for local writers. I’ve learned about plotting from Jane Cleland and my mantra; “every word matters” from Michael Koryta.

By now you should be getting the idea that The Poisoned Pen is a pretty big deal to me. I’ve been visiting the store for years and I love it, which is why I’m so excited that I’ll actually be one of the authors at the Kensington Mini Cozy Con at the Poisoned Pen on Saturday, November 3rd. I’ll be there with Tamara Berry, Lynn Cahoon, JC Easton, Jessica Ellicott, Cheryl Hollon, JR Ripley, Kim Roberts, and Rosemary Simpson! We’ll all be there from 1:00 – 5:00. Come and chat with us!

Find out more about the event here.

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