All the Countess of Harleigh mysteries have just a touch of romance and in the next book, love is definitely in the air! It’s February 1900 and Frances and …

Historical Mystery Author
Historical Mystery Author
All the Countess of Harleigh mysteries have just a touch of romance and in the next book, love is definitely in the air! It’s February 1900 and Frances and …
That’s pretty much how I feel about January. It’s just not my month. The holidays are over. The days are short and cold, even in Arizona. I don’t make New …
Hard to believe 2021 is coming to an end. When I looked back at this year’s posts, I was surprised that I haven’t talked about many of my favorite reads. …
To me it feels like A Fiancée’s Guide to First Wives and Murder just released, but things are already in motion at my publisher for the next book, A Bride’s …
I just finished the first draft of book 6 in the Countess of Harleigh series. (Hooray!) For me, first drafts are short and mostly made up of plot points and …
I belong to a group of authors with whom I share an agent. Some of them have been published for years and some are just starting out. One of …
My grandmother, Frances, came to the US with her husband around 1918. They settled in the Chicago area and had a family. Genevieve, Ted, Eddie, and Vicki. Fast forward a …
I never provide detailed descriptions of my characters in my novels. When I read, I rarely pay attention to character descriptions and decide for myself what they look like based …
March is Women’s History Month and I’ve been reading about the accomplishments of some amazing women from the past. The characters in the Countess of Harleigh series are more likely …
This has been a rough year with the Covid 19 pandemic ravaging the world. But as we approach Thanksgiving here in the US, I’ve been thinking about gratitude. I’m still …