You might be surprised to learn that I have many tasks that are aspects of my work but have nothing to do with writing books. I’m between drafts of book …
Coming June 25th!
Not going to the Olympics in Paris this Summer? How about a trip to the 1900 Paris Exposition instead? An Art Lover’s Guide to Paris and Murder takes you along …

Foreign Covers and Cover Reveal!
I’m delighted that there are foreign editions of the Countess of Harleigh series. It’s always a thrill to see my books translated into another language and to see what the …
A Fiancée’s Guide to First Wives and Murder
I spend a lot of time browsing newspapers from 1899, the year my books are set. I do it for a few reasons; to immerse myself in the era, to …
Introducing P.I. Kelly Pruett
One of the best friends a writer can have is a critique partner. They’ve seen your best work and your worst. And then there’s the work you think is your …
Titles and Covers and Blurbs (Oh my!)
Sometimes coming up with a book title can be more difficult than coming up with a story. When I sold the Countess of Harleigh series to Kensington, I knew book …
Interview with Carol Potenza, author of Hearts of the Missing
Carol Potenza is the author of the 2017 Tony Hillerman Prize winning novel, Hearts of the Missing. I recently had a chance to talk with her about writing this story. …
Review of The Frame-Up and Interview with Meghan Scott Molin
Meghan Scott Molin’s debut novel, The Frame-up releases today! I had the opportunity to read an advance copy and interview Meghan, so on my blog today I have both a …
Criminal Misdeeds
I’m so excited to welcome Randee Green to the blog today! Her debut novel, Criminal Misdeeds released last month and put her right at the top of my list of …
Interview with Author Heather Redmond
I recently had the opportunity to talk with author, Heather Redmond about her new mystery, A TALE OF TWO MURDERS in which a young Charles Dickens is the sleuth. Here’s …