You might be surprised to learn that I have many tasks that are aspects of my work but have nothing to do with writing books. I’m between drafts of book …

George and Frances Roll the Dice!
I have a cover and a publishing date for my upcoming novella! In my excitement, I neglected to post it here, but better late than never. George and Frances Roll …
Where in the World Are George and Frances?
I loved taking George and Frances and some of the supporting characters to Paris for a couple of books. It was so much fun to learn about a new place, …

Big, Little News!
The Boardwalk on the Beach at Trouville by Claude Monet I’ve been keeping a secret for a few months now and I’m so excited to share that in April 2025, …

Foreign Covers and Cover Reveal!
I’m delighted that there are foreign editions of the Countess of Harleigh series. It’s always a thrill to see my books translated into another language and to see what the …

Double sextet from the 1900 New York production If you write historical fiction, you’d better like doing research. Fortunately, I love it! In A Newlywed’s Guide to Fortune and Murder, …
Women’s History Month
March is Women’s History Month and I’ve been reading about the accomplishments of some amazing women from the past. The characters in the Countess of Harleigh series are more likely …
Where Can a Girl Get a Good Cup of Coffee?
Part of an author’s job is promotion and every now and then a unique opportunity for promotion comes along. My publisher arranged for my next book, A Fiancée’s Guide to …
Juggling Through February
A writer’s life often involves a lot of juggling, and apparently, so does the month of February. This short month had me juggling work on five different books. I know …
A Victorian Christmas
The Countess of Harleigh mystery series begins in April of 1899, just as the year’s social season begins. Book two in the series takes place in July, at the end …